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2024 Genetic Counseling Career Camp

We're sorry, but this event has already taken place.


Registration includes the following:

  • Access to all live Zoom sessions
  • Access to all digital materials
    • Resources for Aspiring Genetic Counselors
    • Utah Genetic Counselor Shadowing Opportunities


Learn about one of the fastest-growing careers in healthcare!

This interactive event is perfect for people interested in the genetic counseling profession and those who want to learn more about applying to graduate programs. You will have the opportunity to virtually meet Utah genetic counselors and hear about their training and professional experiences.

Event Details

New to Zoom? You'll need to download an app for your browser. Once installed, we recommend joining a test meeting to familiarize yourself with Zoom and its features, and to ensure your system is properly configured prior to the day of the event. Zoom version 5.3.0 or greater will be required in order to self-select breakout rooms for networking.

Installer: https://zoom.us/download
Upgrade Instructions: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362233-Upgrading-Zoom-to-the-latest-version
Test meeting: https://zoom.us/test

Date: August 17, 2024

Start time: 11:00 MDT

End time: 16:00 MDT

Venue: Zoom Meeting

Phone: 385-429-0241

Email: careercamp@utahgc.org