Benefits of Membership with AUG

Member-Only Events

Connect with other Utah-based Genetic Counselors and healthcare professionals. Past activities include sponsored dinners, educational events, journal clubs, and more. Only members will have access to the live webinar-based 2020 AUG Education Series.

Networking Opportunities

Looking to strengthen your career? Take advantage of networking, leadership, and professional development opportunities within AUG and in the community.

Voting Rights

Make your voice heard and vote for the Board of Directors and other AUG business items.

Reduced Event Rates

Enjoy reduced rates for exciting events such as the Education Series and Winter Advocacy Event.


From the AUG Bylaws, Article III:

Section 3.2 Qualifications. The following are qualifications for serving as a member of the Corporation:

  • Members shall have a desire to fulfill the purposes of the Corporation as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation.
  • Members shall encourage and promote the highest standards of conduct.
  • Members shall pay annual dues, which shall be set according to Section 3.3 of these Bylaws.
  • Members shall provide their contact information to the Board of Directors. This information shall be maintained solely by the Board of Directors and shall not be shared with other organizations, members, or committees. The Board of Directors may, at their discretion, send members information from an outside organization, Corporation committee, or other member.
  • Members shall comply with any other requirements established by the Board of Directors from time to time.

Bylaws are available to the public upon request.

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Annual Dues: $[ms-membership-price id=”5766″ currency=”no” label=””]

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Annual Dues: $[ms-membership-price id=”5767″ currency=”no” label=””]

Membership Levels

  • Associate Membership
    $75 annually
    • member-only events
    • reduced event rates
    • voting rights
    • networking opportunities
    • Utah licensed Genetic Counselors
    • Out-of-state licensed Genetic Counselors
    • Utah healthcare professionals
    • By election only
  • Director Membership
    $60 annually
    • member-only events
    • reduced event rates
    • voting rights
    • networking opportunities
    • Utah licensed Genetic Counselors
    • Out-of-state licensed Genetic Counselors
    • Utah healthcare professionals
    • By election only

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